Vaero Dynamics Inc., a privately held company founded by Frick A. (Rick) Smith of Marble Falls, Texas, is a pioneer in the future of aviation. The business’s primary objective is to develop an innovative alternative to today’s conventional and general aviation air travel. Vaero Dynamics is in the development stage and will be ready to assemble prototypes for several different aircraft -- all of which hold a similar characteristic -- vertical take-off transitioning into forward, level, and efficient flight.
The company plans to attain a share of the current fixed wing, helicopter, drone and gyro-plane market. Our company deems such market acquisitions possible because of its value priced aircraft with multiple capabilities. Vaero Dynamics will utilize its innovative aircraft to compete and grow this market share into a successful long-term business. Increased safety, reduced weights, faster speeds, longer distances, greater convenience and lower operating costs will make these aircraft economical, fun, and environmentally friendly.